Monday, January 20, 2014

Another Way to Sell Your Photography or Artwork

Shutterbug recently posted an online article on Photography eBooks.

It's a fairly lengthy article and includes Question/Answers from several professional photographers that have published eBooks.  It also includes links to the photographers' works as well as links relevant for those looking to publish their own eBook.

Photography eBooks represent another option when it comes to making money off of photography.  (The information is applicable to non-photography eBooks as well.)

I haven't tried this yet, but here are some of my thoughts on the subject.

First, you'll need a fairly large number of quality photographs to make this work.  With a calendar you can get by with 12 or 13 good photos.  A book is going to require far more than that.  The exact number will depend on the number of pages involved as well as the number of photos on each page.  A good eBook could require several hundred quality photos.

That is a great deal of time and effort.

Remember, there is no reason why the individual photos can't be offered for sale while you are accumulating enough for a book.  Offering the photos for sale (or displaying them on a website) can help create interest in the book once it's finished.

Secondly, books covering a limited subject are probably easier to market.

My suggestion is concentrating on local subjects.  There is less effort needed.  Think about the subjects that the local tourist board would advertise when trying to generate interest.  The local tourist board might be interested in working with a photographer working on photographing local subjects.  They might even be interested in offering the eBook for sale on their website.

Non-tourist subject will work as well and may offer logical outlets for the sale of the book.  For example, geology enthusiasts might be interested in a mineral photography eBook and there are websites dedicated to the subject.

Think about the potential outlets for the book before starting it.

If you want advice from people that have actually published eBooks, read the Shutterbug article.

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