Friday, July 4, 2014

Image Taken With Sony's New Curved Sensor

Hat Tip: PetaPixel

Sony has apparently posted an image taken using it's new curved sensor design.  It's just an image of model/diorama so you really can't draw many conclusions from it.

The post that included the image is written in Japanese, which I don't read (I did run it through Bing Translator to get a rough idea on the content.)  There doesn't seem to be any information on what type of lens was used to take the picture.  The sensor could conceivably require a specially designed lens for best results and I would like to know whether they used a lens designed for the lens or just used a preexisting lens designed for current flat sensors.

The image does suggest that Sony is serious about using the curved sensor in its cameras.

There does seem to be an issue with using zoom lenses with the sensor.  This suggests that the sensor might first appear in fixed-lens cameras.

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