Hat Tip: Pop Photo
Flickr has officially caved to the howls of outrage and has removed the Creative Commons material from the images available for purchase through its wall art program.
Personally, I didn't think the criticism for including the Creative Commons images was well founded, and don't think Flickr needed to pull them from the program. They only included those images officially marked by those that uploaded them to the sight as free to use for commercial purposes. They were using them for commercial purposes.
I find it hard to understand criticizing Flickr/Yahoo for selling images when the owner of the image marked them as being eligible for commercial use without the user paying any royalties.
It's not like Flickr was staking a claim to the image. They weren't preventing anyone else from downloading and using the images (including putting them on a sight where someone could purchase prints.) They weren't preventing the owner from removing the image or changing the licensing agreement so the images couldn't be used commercially.
They were using the images in a manner in which they were explicitly allowed to do by the terms agreed to by the image owner.
The outrage seems solely based on thr fact that Flickr/Yahoo would make money by doing so.
Guess what?
That's what companies do.
They make money.
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