Monday, April 27, 2015

I'm Now on Etsy

I have recently opened an Esty store.

This store is a little different from the other selling sites listed.  Those sites are where you can purchase copies of my photos or artwork.

Etsy is for other items.

I have been an avid auction attendee since the early 1990's.  Selling on Etsy gives me the chance to make a little money from that hobby.

Etsy does allow sellers to offer digital files, so I might include some digital downloads there.  (Images are one option but there are other options.)

This also gives me something to write about besides photography.

The photography news lately has been very limited, mainly covering new lenses and cameras.  I currently don't have access to these items to review them myself and I have little interest in blogging based on reviews posted by someone else.

I did post links to those reviews at one time, but that became too time consuming when I started my day job.

I will continue to write on photography related subjects but will also include posts on other subjects, including Etsy updates.

For those looking for a place to sell photographic prints, Etsy is an option.  Selling prints on the site does require you to print the images yourself.  This does give you some control over the quality of the images sold.  It also forces you to deal with the printing and shipping the prints.

Etsy does charge listing fees as well as charging a commission on sales.

The listing fee is only 20 cents per item and the listing lasts for four months.

Etsy also offers sellers a credit card reader.  This allows sellers to allow buyers to buy directly from the seller while using their credit card.  This is a viable option for anyone interested in direct sells to the public.  (Like an art fair.)

All you need is a cell phone, an Etsy account and the credit card reader.

There is a per transaction fee when using the reader.  (Roughly 3%.)

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