Sunday, November 16, 2014

Newegg Deal on Kingston Solid State Drives (SSD)

Just caught this on Twitter:

Newegg currently has a deal on Kingston SSDNow drives.  Available in 60GB, 120GB, 240GB and 480GB sizes. 

The 120-480GB drives are more than 40% off.  The 60GB drive in 30% off.  (The best deal is on the 240GB size.  It's 48% off.)

These are good for those applications that result in the computer constantly accessing the hard drive, which includes many image editing applications.  This is especially true when dealing with a computer with limited memory.  (32-bit Operating Systems may be unable to utilize more than 4GB of memory, even if more is installed.)

Using a SSD provides a way to avoid this limit.  The SSD uses memory to store information, but the computer acts as if it is a hard drive.  This increases the speed at which the computer can access the information stored on the device.  It's not quite the same as installing more memory, but it's an improvement over a hard drive that uses platters.

These are internal drives.  You'll either need to install them inside your computer or an external tower.

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